
Gross Profit vs Net Income: What’s the Difference?

Revenue sits at the top of a company’s income statement, making it the top line. Profit is lower than revenue because expenses and liabilities are deducted. Last, each category is influenced by accounting rules, though revenue is often a more pure number less susceptible to variation due to bookkeeping. When accounting for profit, there may be reliance on management estimates and more general ledger account balances.

  • To clear
    up things with these accounting terms, let’s review them in detail and then
    look at an example of an income statement with all these elements.
  • We can see from the COGS items listed above that gross profit mainly includes variable costs—or the costs that fluctuate depending on production output.
  • It is the residual amount (positive) left with the company which can either be held by the company as retained earnings or distributed among the equity shareholders as the dividend.
  • On the other hand, gains represent income which does not necessarily arise from the ordinary activities of the entity, e.g. gains on the disposal of non-current assets or on the revaluation of marketable securities.
  • Revenue is the profit from the goods and services offered by the company, while gain refers to earnings from unimportant assets of the business and other earnings, like dividends.

A company’s revenue and its operating income can end up as two very different numbers. Profit can also be called net income, net profit, or “bottom
line” because it’s usually the last line on an income statement. Gain is similar to income as a secondary type of
revenue, except that gain refers to incidental and nonrecurring transactions.

Understanding the Difference Between Revenue and Profit

Federal, state, and local taxes are often assessed after all expenses have been considered. Though certain tax credits or deductions may closely relate to gross profit, government entities are more interested in a company’s net income when assessing tax. Net income is an important metric that investors use to assess a company’s profitability and growth potential. If a company does not have a positive net income, investors may not be interested. If gross profit is positive for the quarter, it doesn’t necessarily mean a company is profitable. For example, a company could be saddled with too much debt, resulting in high interest expenses.

  • Items that are revenues for one kind of enterprise are gains for another, and items that are expenses for one kind of enterprise are losses for another.
  • The example above shows how different income is from revenue when referring to a company’s financials.
  • For instance, the term profit may emerge in the context of gross profit and operating profit.
  • Gains and losses are the opposing financial results that will be produced through a company’s non-primary operations and production processes.
  • Gross profit assesses a company’s ability to earn a profit while managing its production and labor costs.

Net income can be misleading—non-cash expenses are not included in its calculation. The revenue a company earns is also impacted by general economic conditions. This may also be the case for products that are seasonal, as a company may simply be at the whim of cyclical demand (i.e. retails during the holidays).

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If a company can reduce its operating expenses, it can increase its profits without having to sell any additional goods. Gain, which is also part of the total income, amounts to $10,000 – the gain from selling the company’s service vehicle. We have assumed that the $10,000 is the excess of the property’s selling price over its net carrying or net book value.

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It is generally deemed useful or necessary to display both inflows and outflows aspects (revenue and expenses) of the transactions and activities that constitute an enterprise’s on-going major or central earning process. Revenues are a ‘gross’ amount reflecting actual or expected cash receipts from the sales. Expenses are also a ‘Gross’ amount reflecting actual or expected cash outlays to make or buy the assets sold. The expenses may then be deducted from the revenues to display a ‘net’ amount often called gross margin or gross profit on sale of product or output.

Key Differences

For the same shoemaker, the net revenue for the $100 pair of shoes they sold, which allowed retailers to sell at a 40% discount to clear inventories, would be $60. From that $60, they may additionally deduct other costs such as rent, wages for staff, packaging, and so on. Anything that comes as a cost to the shoemaker would be deducted from the gross revenue of $100, resulting in the net revenue.

Gross income provides insight into how effectively a company generates profit from its production process and sales initiatives. Revenue is the amount received by the business from selling main goods or services to its customers during the period. Revenue is the resultant of such activities which actually defines the reason of existence of business.

Investors should remember that while these two figures are very important to look at when making their investment decisions, revenue is the income a firm makes without taking expenses into account. But when determining its profit, you account for all the expenses a company has including wages, debts, taxes, and other expenses. But revenue is any income a company generates before expenses are subtracted while sales are what the firm earns from selling goods and services to its customers. Companies can also be mindful of net profit by considering taxes and interest. To avoid interest expense, companies may need to raise capital by offering equity, though this may detract from retained earnings in the long run if investors demand dividends.

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